Fan, Cam!

We love hearing from Otis’s fans!  Last night, I was so pleased and touched to receive a photograph from a sweet mama, displaying her son’s creativity and loving thoughts after reading Otis Goes to School.

This is from Cam, who made his very own handwritten bookmark with his own words and gumption.  Fan Cam!I was so impressed, and glad that Otis found his way into cool Cam’s heart.  He’s a super awesome kid with ice hockey on his mind and a great attitude on life.  He’s even got a new stuffed pup named…. drumrollllllllll pleeeeeease….. “Otis!” And that just makes my day.

This is what Otis is all about: getting kids excited about reading, finding out what interesting things happen next, picturing characters so vivid that little folks can almost see them; sounds so distinct, they can hear them; adventures so described that they can envision themselves between the lines.  We’re stretching imaginations and looking forward to watching them soar on the winds of their own inventiveness and wit.

A big THANK YOU to our Fan, Cam!  Let us know what you think of “pond-dog” when you get to that chapter.  Here’s a hint… he looks, coincidentally perhaps, a lot like Otis…


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